Sunday, September 21, 2008

Video Blog (Cancer Awareness)

A soldier is the perfect word to describe those that undergo cancer. I chose this video because I have seen the effects of cancer on people, some being my own family. This video clearly has a message, and that is to show how strong cancer patients truly are. They are soldiers. At the beginning of the video, it states that 12,400 children will be diagnosed with cancer each year. This number is large, but what is worse, is the 2,300 children that will die. The facts are alarming, and way too high. If you click here, you will come upon a website that shows the survival rate of cancer patients. If you follow this link, you will find answers of how to get involved and how to cope with cancer.
What strikes me in this video is the use of images and the music. The music is a piano arrangement, and in the lyrics they talk about Jesus going to rest in his manger, relating to Jesus as a child. It’s a sad song to add to the effect that what the video is displaying is traumatic. The images of the video are what really hit you. The various pictures of little kids, IV lines branching out from their bodies, scarves around their heads to hide the hair that can’t grow; but what is unique is that in most of these pictures, the children are smiling. They are going through an illness that very well may kill them and yet they seem to have the best attitudes on life. That is why I believe these children are soldiers. They endure hours of treatments, and some never get to see the day that they are cured.
The end of the video has a poem, and in that poem is my favorite quote of all time. “If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.” The poem and quote show that life is not in our hands, and sometimes treatment and love can’t save us. Sometimes, it’s just God’s plan.

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